West Long Branch Police Department
965 Broadway
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
Emergency 9-1-1
Non-Emergency 732-229-5000
This is the official website of the West Long Branch Police. This page is not monitored 24x7. Please do not report any incident directly to this website. For a true police emergency call 9-1-1. For all others dial 732-229-5000.
With the ongoing situation stemming from the COVID-19 global pandemic we want to update The West Long Branch community on the steps the West Long Branch Police Department is implementing to decrease the risk of infection.
As always, the West Long Branch Police remain dedicated to protecting our community and its residents. on the advice of local and national health authorities, we too will be practicing social distancing when appropriate. For example, where practicable, instead of taking a report in person, our officers may elect to do so over the phone. That decision will be made on a case by case basis and never in the event of an emergency.
Our officers are still being dispatched to all routine first aid calls, but will not contact the patient unless the call is urgent, there is a health emergency or for the safety of the responding EMS personnel.
Please do not be alarmed if you see our officers wearing a mask, gloves, gown, Tyvek suit or speaking to you from a distance. The West Long Branch Police Department cannot and will not be responsible for spreading the virus further through the community as we perform our duties, and we must also safeguard ourselves. We cannot risk spreading the virus throughout our department, which could lead to large numbers of officers having to isolate themselves and not be available for duty.
If you need to acquire a Crash Report please go to the CARFAX website at www.carfax.com
If you are unable to use Carfax and for all other reports call our main number at 732-229-5000 extension 221 for Records.
The Records bureau can also be reached at police@westlongbranch.org
Reports that are able to be released can be sent via email or through the US Postal Service.
If you need to speak with an officer, when possible, we ask you call our main number at 732-229-5000 instead of coming to police headquarters.
If you are at police headquarters you may still call our main number at 732-229-5000 or utilize the blue call station located in front of the building to contact this agency.
Everyone, be safe and stay healthy.
Volunteer to Assist Victims of Domestic Violence
You can be the change you want to see in the world by joining 180’s life-changing mission today. 180’s Volunteer Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) Advocates are civilian members of the community who work collaboratively with law enforcement to provide confidential support, information, and resources to victims of domestic violence at police headquarters. Advocates also discuss with victims safety planning and their legal rights in regard to obtaining a Temporary Restraining Order. By providing support and crucial perspective of the situation, these specially-trained advocates help to empower victims to make informed decisions for themselves and their families. The identities of the DVRT volunteers are kept anonymous. Prior knowledge of domestic violence is not required. 180 and the police departments are committed to culturally and socially diverse teams to better serve the community. Bi-lingual capability is helpful.
Training Dates:
October 6 - 29
6:00p-9:30p via Zoom
Basic requirements for volunteers to apply: Must be eighteen-years of age or older, have access to transportation, possess a valid driver’s license, be willing to serve on an on-call shift basis, participate in an interview process, pass background investigations and fingerprinting, successfully complete the mandatory 40-hour training, and attend monthly supervisory meetings.
For more information or to obtain an application contact: Sue Levine, Victim Support Program Coordinator, at susanl@180nj.org and 732 264-4360, Ext. 4271, or visit https://180nj.org/give-help/volunteering/domestic-violence-response-team-advocate/
For forty-three years, 180 Turning Lives Around, a private non-profit organization, has been
dedicated to ending domestic and sexual violence, which affects our community.
180’s Domestic Violence 24/7 Confidential Hotline: 732 264-4111 or 888 843-9262
In an emergency: Dial 911

Remember, don't leave anything of value in your cars, lock your car when you leave it and bring the keys / fob inside with you! The recent thefts in our town as well as others all have one thing in common, the cars were unlocked and the keys or FOBs were left in the car!!!