West Long Branch Police Department
965 Broadway
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
Emergency 9-1-1
Non-Emergency 732-229-5000
This is the official website of the West Long Branch Police. This page is not monitored 24x7. Please do not report any incident directly to this website. For a true police emergency call 9-1-1. For all others dial 732-229-5000.
Office Of Internal Affairs
The West Long Branch Police Department is a professional organization committed to providing the highest quality of service to the public. Officers are carefully selected and receive the best possible training to help them perform their duties in a fair, honest, impartial, and professional manner. The Office of Internal Affairs is responsible for ensuring that members of the department meet the highest standards of professional conduct and are responsive to the citizens they serve. This office is also responsible for the thorough investigation of all complaints of misconduct against members of the West Long Branch Police.
The purpose of the internal affairs unit is to establish a mechanism for the receipt, investigation, and resolution of complaints made against departmental personnel. The goal of internal affairs is to ensure that the integrity of the department is maintained through a system of internal discipline where fairness and justice are assured by an objective and impartial investigation and review.
This cannot be accomplished without valuable input from the community. You assist the West Long Branch Police maintain the integrity of the organization. If you feel strongly about the conduct of an officer, positively or negatively, please let us know. The West Long Branch Police is a transparent agency. Your complaint will be thoroughly and impartially reviewed to its conclusion. In addition, be assured your compliment will be appreciated by the officers and administration. Consider your input as an important part of the quality control process of our service.
A complaint should be filed when you witness or experience a personal encounter with West Long Branch Police Department personnel that involves criminal conduct, misconduct, abusive or discriminatory behavior, neglect of duty, corrupt activity, inappropriate demeanor, inappropriate conduct, or a violation of rules and regulations of the West Long Branch Police Department.
The West Long Branch Police Department takes citizen complaints seriously and understands that public trust and participation is an integral part of policing in our society. The complaint process should not be an inconvenient or overwhelming task. We accept complaints in-person, by phone, or letter.
People who seek to file complaints will not be asked about their immigration status.
Complaints are accepted twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, by either an Internal Affairs officer, a police supervisor, or if necessary any available police officer. Complaints are accepted in person, on the telephone, or by mail. Juveniles, anonymous persons, and other interested third parties may also file a complaint.
To submit a complaint by mail or in person please use the following address:
West Long Branch Police Department
965 Broadway
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
When writing a letter, please keep in mind, the more information you provide about the incident of police misconduct, the better we can assist in addressing your concerns.
If you wish to file a complaint by telephone, you may call 732-229-5000 to contact the Internal Affairs Unit.
Additionally, you may file a complaint at the West Long Branch Police Department and your complaint can be accepted by any sworn member of the department.
How complaints investigated:
The Internal Affairs Unit reviews all submitted complaints. Complaints may be handled by an Investigator from the Internal Affairs Unit or referred to command-level personnel, depending on the nature of the complaint.
What you can expect when you make an Internal Affairs complaint:
Your complaint will be sent to a superior officer or a specially trained Internal Affairs investigator who will conduct a thorough and objective investigation.
You might be asked to help in the investigation by giving a detailed statement about what happened or providing other important information.
All complaints against law enforcement officers are thoroughly investigated. You will be advised in writing of the outcome.
If our investigation shows that a crime might have been committed, the County Prosecutor will be notified.  You may be asked to testify in court.
If our investigation results in an officer being charged with a violation of department rules or regulations, you may be asked to testify in a departmental hearing.
If our investigation shows that the complaint is unfounded, or there is insufficient evidence to prove or disprove the allegation, or that the officer acted properly, the matter will be closed.
All disciplinary hearings shall be closed to the public unless the defendant officer requests an open hearing.
Upon completion and review of a thorough investigation, a final disposition is determined. A thorough investigation means interviewing witnesses, reviewing any physical evidence, reviewing internal records, and assessing the credibility of all claims.
An employee may be subjected to the following disciplinary action if found in violation of any department regulations:
Additional Training and/or counseling
Suspension from duty
Fine imposed
Termination or demotion
Any disciplinary action against an employee must be in accordance with the West Long Branch Police Department rules and state statutes. Any time you spend in participating in the complaint and review process will be appreciated. West Long Branch Police Department personnel are held to the highest standards of our profession and we encourage members of the public to immediately bring matters of concern to our attention.
Immigration Trust Directive
All officers received training via the NJlearn system on this directive by 3/15/2019.
WLBPD Annual Internal Affairs Reports
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
WLBPD Policy on Drug Testing for Law Enforcement
WLBPD Early Warning Policy
Cases of Major Discipline
Internal Affairs Complaint Form and Report
English Forms
Spanish Forms
Portuguese Forms